8th ICEASS / November 14th - 16th, 2024
International Conference on Education and Social Sciences
World Talk, We Talk @ Bangkok, Thailand
This year, 8th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences will take place in Bangkok, Thailand, from November 14th to the 16th, 2024.
In recent years, the landscape of education has been dramatically reshaped by the rise of online learning and the seamless integration of technology. The convergence of these factors has sparked discussions on the profound impact of technology on educational paradigms, specifically in the realms of online learning and the incorporation of innovative technologies to elevate teaching and learning experiences.
The increasing prevalence of online learning platforms and the seamless integration of educational technologies signify a paradigm shift in the field of education. As these trends continue to gain momentum, it becomes imperative to examine the implications of technology on pedagogical approaches, exploring how virtual classrooms and online learning environments shape the educational landscape.
This year, ICEASS, opens up a special session as below “Online Learning & Technology Integration”. We encourage submissions from themes listed below, but aren’t limited to:
Special Session- Online Learning and Technology Integration
Digital Inequality in Online Education
Impact of Online Learning on Socialization
Educational Policy and Online Learning 
Online Learning on Cultural Competence
Digital Literacy in Online Education
Gamification and Online Learning
Cybersecurity in Online Education
Global Collaboration in Online Education
Submissions in the fields of Social Sciences related to the themes down below are also welcomed:
Communication Management
Language and Communication
Information Communication
Communication Arts
Education Communications and Technology
History and Geography
Human Geography
Literature and Poetry
Music and Art
Regional Studies
Religious studies
Museums & heritage
The overall economy and economic growth
Econometric models and test methods
The formation of human resources and market mechanisms
Economic theory and mathematical economy
The public economy and economy of public health
The environment, resources, and agricultural economy
Economic Analysis of Family interactions
Psychology and Counseling
Adult and Continuing Education
Educational Theory
Education Policy
Civic Education and Leadership
Special Education
Rehabilitation Counseling
Early Childhood Education
E-Learning Technology
Higher Education
Lifelong Learning
Finance Engineering
Stock Market
Finance Management
Risk Management
Civil Law
Criminal Law
Public Law
Economic and Financial Law
Labor and Social Law
International Human Right Law
Legal History
Conflict of Laws
Copy Right Law
Climate Change Law
Business & Management
Business Administration
International Enterprise
Human resources
Logistics and Supply Chain
Organizational Behavior
Information Management
Electronic Commerce
Industry Innovation
Corporate Governance
Management Innovation
Hospitality and Tourism Management
Political Science
Public Administration and Policy
International Affairs and Strategic Studies
Governmental Systems & Practices
Politics and Ethics
International Relations
Political Economy
Regional Studies
Reforming and Consolidated
History of Western Political Thought
Western Constitutional Thought
General Psychology
Experimental Psychology
Cultural Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Educational Psychology
School Psychology
Physiological Psychology
Health Psychology
Environmental Psychology
Personality and Social Psychology
Mental Diseases and Psychotherapy
Consulting Psychology
Social Research or Social Science
Social Policy and Social Legislation
Caring or Research for the Elderly
Social Psychology
Family Research
Child Research
Online Society/Online Community
Ethic in Society/Online Society
Globalization Impacts
Social Works in Modern Society
Technology/Criminology in Society
For any questions and inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact the ICEASS Secretariat by email: iceass@iceass.org
Member Center
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Important Dates
Submission Deadline
Extend to August 15, 2024
Notification of Acceptance
August 01, 2024
Early Bird Registration Deadline
August 20, 2024
Registration Deadline
September 15, 2024
Conference Dates
November 14-16,2024
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